Pot Use At All Time High
Did you hear? News reports have been coming out that pot use is at an all-time high due to the Pandemic lockdowns and everyone staying at home. Both in the...
Did you hear? News reports have been coming out that pot use is at an all-time high due to the Pandemic lockdowns and everyone staying at home. Both in the...
(Click watch on youtube) Pictures:
On June 9th 2022 Thailand became the first country in Asia to legalize Cannabis and 3rd in the world after Canada and Uruguay. This is huge news as Thailand is one of the most travelled countries in...
10 WINNERS!!! 5 Winners Optic LED Phatslim 1XL Bloom - 5 Winners of Optic LED Phatslim 1XL Gen7 Giveaway! In this Giveaway we are going to give 10 Winners to win a Optic Led Phatslim 1XL Bloom or Phatslim 1XL...
Growers have spoken and the Slim 500S is now our most popular budget grow light for 4x4ft to 5x5ft grow areas in 2021. Priced very competitively it stands out as the best option on the market if you are looking...
Slim 720S Opened for Pre-order on November 12th, 2021 Growing in a 5x5 area deserves a special kind of light to deliver edge to edge uniform light intensity. Slim 720S is specifically designed...
How's it going everyone! Optic LED Has been putting in big work in Research & Development as usual and for the month of November we will be Unveiling a new light that many of you have asked for. Optic LED...